Welcome to Tax Effective Saving!
FUTURE. Have more protection and more benefits with the same deposits.
With our umbrella open, your plans work in good AND bad times.
How will your savings/estate survive in light of taxation?
Unique customized Financial plans for Successful individuals and Corporation.
Life Insurance
We take the complication out of life insurance products allowing the client to confidently choose what is right for them. Facilitating a strong understanding of the products allows the next step of creating solid plans for your financial future.
Critical Illness Protection
The risk of developing a critical illness or becoming disabled is real and the expense involved can ruin one´s finances. Have you ever considered the impact this could have on your family?
Bright Ideas
Although everyone in Ontario has access to the same products, it´s really the new ideas that put us on the extra mile. Our model takes the complication out of understanding what insurance can do for you. Once you understand the product and it´s possibilities, the rest is simple. Find out about our bright ideas that can help you and improve your plans.
Client Support
Simply put, our clients can expect a response from any inquiry within 6 business hours. As a unique part of our business model, we pride ourselves in maintaining strong relationships with our principal underwriters which translates to quick results